lower-abs-workout-298x300.jpg如何訓練人魚線...??? How to train your Mermaid Line???

by Andy Lee


最近總是遇到健身的問題 還是寫下來跟大家分想好了


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"vintage" v.s. "antique"....."’復古" v.s. "古董" (by Andy Lee)

Old-World-Clock.gif昨 天在課堂上介紹了 "vintage" 這個字, 有人就問到了以下的問題: 到底 "vintage" 跟 "antique" 有何不同? 基本上就一般使用而言, “vintage”是一個有關於“更新”或“復古”的詞。它描 述的東西是老到剛好可以再次回到時尚的行列 。 例如:20 世紀 70年代風格時尚,(我不知道為什麼現在會重新流行),所以在70年代的東西可以被稱為“vintage”。 20世紀 80 年代的風格尚未歸返時尚地行列 (或尚未“復甦”,姑且讓我這樣  說),所以我們暫時把它們留在“過時”的類別中。總的來說,它強調“復古”的想法。

而"antique" 則是一個通用術語,指的是任何有真正歷史價值的"古董",通常是非常非常老,它不需要再回到時尚,也許永遠也回不了時尚。例如,唐朝的“兵馬甬”肯定是"antique"(當然囉 我指的是真品)的藝術作品,而不是一個"vintage"的東西。vintage這個詞已經被濫用了很長一段時間 ---請特別小心,尤其是當有人試圖向你推銷東西的時候。

(by Andy Lee)

 I actually tried to avoid the word "antique" on purpose in a class I taught yesterday in order to prevent confusion at this stage of learning. But one of my students still dug it out....:-)


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ban-marriage-big.gif"不婚族" 的英文怎麼說? How to call those people who don't want to get married? (by Andy Lee) 

今天有人問我 "不婚族" 的英文怎麼說 沒有一個完美的答案 以下說法供你參考

Someone asked me how to say " 不婚族" today. I really don't know a perfect term for it and neither can I find an appropriate way to describe those people who do not want to get married for all kinds of reasons, but there are a couple of various ways to describe people in this situation ust for you reference:

(1) I saw a website that uses the term "marriagefree" to refer to people who have made a conscious decision not to get married, or are actively opposed to marriage. It includes single people and those in relationships.


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Proverbs about Time (關於時間的諺語) ~Andy Lee
introducing you guys some saying/proverbs regarding "time"~~~enjoy!!! 介紹大家一些有關於時間的諺語
Never put off till tomorrow what you can do today.


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學生聽到廣播 問到一個有趣的片語 cherry picking (採櫻桃謬誤) 是何意...??? 想想看cherry (櫻桃) 的嬌嫩...採起來可要小心僅慎....後來往負面衍生: 指刻意 挑選支持自己的人,論點, 資料來呈現,
而將重要但不支持論點的人, 論點, 資料忽略不計 ....pretty interesting, huh? 是不是覺得在政界很常用呢? Good science looks at all the evidence rather than cherry picking only favorable evidence. (良好的科學著眼於所有的證據,而不是刻意挑選有利的證據) Happy Friday, everyone.....!!!

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該用 it's 或 its 呢?
這 兩個字,對很多人而言都是非常混亂的 (包括以英語為母語的人士)。人們經常把這兩個字混淆不清。事實上,在指定情況下選擇正確用字並不困難:

its-a-boy-girl.jpg“it's”是以下兩組詞的縮寫(1)“it is”或(2)“it has(been)”。請看下面的例子:

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Modals 語態助動詞 (by Andy Lee)

Modals.jpg Our goal is to e able to define “modal” and related words. In my class, I will teach you how to explain words like may/might, can/could, will/would, shall/should, must and so on. Please be noted that the past terms of those words could have multiple meanings and functions.
 我們應學會定義甚麼是語態助動詞 及其這相關的詞彙。我的課會教你如何解釋 may/might, can/could, shall/should, will/would, must…等字及其使用時機。請注意: 這些字的過式是有很多不同的意義及功能。

以下就是一些我上課的內容大綱 below is the content to discuss in my classes...


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著名中文成語的英文翻譯 Famous Chinese Proverbs in English

chinese sayings.jpg    
  到把英文翻譯先蓋起來 試試看自己可以翻對多少喔....:-)  Cover up the English translation to see how much you can make this out....:-) 


Clothes make the man.


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今天來講個有趣的俚語: where the rubber meets the road  想想看: 車胎(橡膠rubber在此之意)一碰到地面, 行不行/管不管用馬上就知道! 簡單的說就是"事物真相揭曉的時刻" ( the moment of truth of something) 舉例而言:  An athlete can train all day, but the race is where the rubber meets the road and they'll know how good they really are. 運動員成天都在訓練,但比賽成效優劣才見分曉。


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gm.jpg  常見的英文文法用語


Below are some common terms in English grammar and how I introduce those to my students in classes

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Car rental租車 (by Andy LEE)

Image Detail

下裡拜上租車 (car rental) 基礎班及個別班的同學有興趣可以要求聽講此課程 這對於你未來的國際旅遊很有幫助喔
你租過車嗎? Have you rented a car before? 租車有太多的陷阱及注意事項 too many tips & pitfalls to watch out when it comes to renting a car....!!!下次就來聊一聊租車這個話題吧...Let's talk about Car Rental next time.....see you guys soon....:-)))

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該用 their, they're 或是 there 呢?
我在美國擔任前檯經理時 我時常必須要糾正一些以英語為母語的美國人 相信我 大多數美國人的英語是



甚至可以說是膚淺的 他們的高中生 大學生 的字彙量極低 文法一竅不通 所以寫作錯誤連篇 從現在開始我

會撰寫一些英語常犯錯誤 這些錯誤不論你是否以英語為母語 都是要謹慎避免的陷阱

they're, their  和 there 這三個詞往往被錯誤使用,即使是以英語為母語的人士都無法避免。其實只要使用一點小技巧,它們並不難了解 以下是其正確的使用時機。

 they're 是 they are 的縮寫 例如 They are identical twins. 他們是同卵雙包胎

 就如同 his (he), her (she), its (it) 和 my (I)一樣, Their 是they 的所有格:

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 Top World Taboos 《culture》世界著名禁忌《文化篇》  (by Andy LEE)

下週我們要講 Top World Taboos 《culture》世界著名禁忌《文化篇》 應該是個挺有趣的話題 基礎板班及個別班的學生可有要求選修此課
1. Chopsticks (筷子: 中國 日本)---There are many stories about chopsticks. In Japan, whatever any reason, you can’t stick chopsticks into the rice bowl and then leave away, because it’s an omen of unlucky and it makes Japanese associate as gravestones. By the way, using one end which you put into your month to pick up food into your bowl is though as a rude behavior, you should use the other end. In China and other countries, it’s impolite to point to other people with chopsticks.


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english-cover.jpg  如何用英文寫出好文章






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這些 "鬼" 的英文怎麼講??? How do you say those "ghosts" in English??? (by Andy Lee)



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