
瑜伽外傳 the other Chapter of Yoga (by Andy Lee)


 瑜伽是一個系統雖由我們的身體開始,但其宗旨卻在整合我們的身體,情緒,心理和精神各方面。對我來說,瑜伽給我提供一個非常類似於登山健行的“layer-blue-2-m.jpg過程”(而非“結果"),他們給我機會去沉思瞑想 作瑜伽也須具備巨大的能量 強度 和 專注。瑜伽是不是一個宗教或單純的運動形式(PS 我本身沒有任何宗教信仰,但我信仰大自然真性和人類善良的本性)根據許多瑜伽大師和專家(當然 我還需要更多的時間來了解和欣賞這門藝術),瑜伽是一個讓人走向幸福,健康,和平 及 平衡的旅程 它帶領我們到一種狀態,在其中我們終於可以在佊此的愛 同情 和 善良 中生存; 進而它讓我們發現,承認 和 尊重,我們每個人都擁有特殊的稟賦。瑜伽讓我們發現駐留在我們的靈魂深處的真實本質。儘管我剛開這個旅程,但在我第一次作完瑜伽後我是如此驚訝它帶給我的平靜與放鬆,該怎麼比喻呢 ? 就好像終於爬上座大峰頂後座下來享受其無比壯麗的景色,擁抱無境涼爽輕柔的微風〜〜〜對了 就是這樣... 有時後我覺得瑜迦的美妙遠遠超出了我語言能形容的範圍,好了 直到下一次再見,請繼續愛下去,我親愛的朋友!


I just started to learn yoga about 3 years ago in Seattle and I regret that I didn't get the chance to be involved in this wonderful practice earlier in my life. I was always afraid that yago is a "girly" exercise, so I hesitate to embarrass myself in the class. To my big relief, there were almost 50% of male students attended and I believe this ratio applies to all over the places.

    Yoga is a system that begins with the body but seeks to integrate our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual self. To me, yoga provide me a very similiar "process" (not "result) as hiking. They both give me the chance to meditate and demand great energy, strength & concentration. Yoga is not a religion or a mere form of exercise. (ps. I don't believe in any religion; I believe in mother NATURE and the good NATURE of human beings instead). According to many yoga masters and experts (which I still need more time to understand & appreciate), Yoga is a journey of one person moving toward a happier, healthier, peaceful and balanced self. Yoga takes us to that state where we can finally live with love, compassion and kindness with ourselves and others; discovering, acknowledging and honoring the special gift that each of us possess. Yoga helps us to discover the true essence that resides within our souls. Even though I am still new to this practice, I was so amazed by how clam & relaxed  after I finished my first yoga session. Somewhat it's just like I finally climbed up a big mountain and sit on the summit to enjoy the splendid view and embrace the cool tender breeze~~~Ah...anyway, it's beyond my words, until next time, keep loving, my dear friends! (by Andy Lee) 

    瑜伽 yoga

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