Aging 老化 (by Andy Lee)
一個名為白藜蘆醇 (resveratrol) 紅酒中的化合物 實際上已延長實驗小鼠的生命,根據哈佛大學的一項研究(早在2006年11月)。 Anothe 研究表明,在小鼠中的白藜蘆醇實際上延長了其壽命,即使他們沒有運動。它們的體能也成背數的增加 人們似乎已經找到一個真正的奇蹟藥物。
引述中簡單地說, ”白藜蘆醇似乎開啟一個遺傳開關,保護對抗老化疾病:心臟疾病,癌症,和其他很多相關的疾病” 大衛辛克萊爾,哈佛研究的資深作者。
除了白藜蘆醇之外 其他被看好的抗衰老化合物還包括有:
在我看來,每個人都應該去獲得一本“真實年齡之改頭換面” (原名 The Real Age Makeover) 容我暫譯 這是作者 MD邁克爾樓羅森( Michael F. Roizen) 的鉅著。我已經替我的朋友和家人買了很多本。一次當你見到我時記得問我還有沒有剩下的書 (是英文版)。我可能仍有一些。
最後但並非最不重要,吃更少的熱量,每天到一個新的研究,有助於延長你的生命(你見過的2只猴子“網上對比圖片?)另外,服用魚油(omega- 3)如果你不定期食用足夠的魚 (每週2餐)。
我上面提到的在防止老化非常重要的科學進展 。我衷心祝愿每一個人都能不止活的長壽 更重要的是過一個有品質的生活!歡迎分享您的知識,我將更多寶貴的意見發表與更多的人分享。
There is very interesting & important article in a Health magazine I found that I feel compelled to share with all you guys!
A compound in red wine called "resveratrol" has actually extended the lives of laboratory mice according to Harvard research (back in Nov 2006). Anothe group of researchers showed that resveratrol doubled physical endurance in mice, even if they didn't exercise. It seems that a true miracle drug had been found.
Quoted "Put simply, resveratrol seems to flip a genetic switch that protects against disease of aging: heart disease, cancer, you name it” David Sinclair, a senior author of the Harvard study.
I am not sure about you, but like many researchers & doctors, I have no intention to wait for the resveratrol-based pharmaceuticals to develop years to go. I started to take resveratrol supplement ever since I saw this article.
Besides resveratrol Other promising anti-aging compounds include:
(1) Caffeic Acid phenethyl ester (CAPE), found in honeybee hives
(2) Nordihydroguaiaretic Acid (NDGA) found in the leaves of the creosote bush
(3) Rapamycia, like resveratrol, this natural substance acts on a gene to regulate aging.
In my opinion, everybody should go get a copy of "The Real Age Makeover" from M.D. Michael F. Roizen. I actually bought a lot of copies for my friends & family. Feel free to ask me for a copy next time when you visit me. I may still have some available.
Last but not least, eating fewer calories each day help extend your life according to a new research (have you seen the 2 monkeys' comparison pictures online?) Also, take fish oil (omega-3) if you don't each enough fish (2 meals per week) on regular basis.
All I mentioned above are pretty much the major things science knows about extending a quality life nowadays. I sincerely wish every one of you live a happy loooooong life!!! Feel free to share your knowledge and I will post on my blog site to share with more people.
(by Andy Lee)