english-cover.jpg  如何用英文寫出好文章






(3)使用簡單明瞭的字句來表達你的想法-----避免複雜不熟悉的字眼 以免弄巧成拙 。







How to write a good essay in English (By Andy Lee) :

(1)  Plan well in advance before you start it-----don't write straight away, think over your main idea before you start it. 

(2) Jot down briefly the main ideas, supporting paragraphs and points-----build a sound structure before you fill in the details. 

(3)  Keep your sentences clear and simple to express your ideas-----avoid complex words that you are not familiar or comfortable with.  

(4) Stay focused on the main idea of your essay-----Trim down the redundant details that are irrelevant to the core idea.

(5) Re-examine your essay in the end just to make sure it is overall smooth and things make senses-----You may always make a few spelling or grammar mistakes while you're writing your essay. Hence it is a good idea to try to read through your essay once more and correct them.


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