朱利葉斯舒爾曼 (Julius Shulman) 的“視覺聲學” Julius Shulman's "Visual Acoustics"
有一回我有幸在西雅圖 (Seattle) 的西北電影論壇看到朱利葉斯舒爾曼 (Julius Shulman) 的“視覺聲學”,非常感動! 這個93歲的藝術家有著現代主義體系結構的視野和非常獨特的幽默感。其中主要的一點我不得不承認的是: 後現代主義不太適合我偏好。我個人喜歡現代建築的整體簡單性及其人本風格,任何過分的裝飾,就是多餘的綴飾了。你覺得呢?
我在這部影片中看到一件頗具諷刺意味的事,也許是舒爾曼唯一的遺憾了,那就是他(作為一個環保主義者)他本生也不由自主的對煙霧瀰漫的洛杉磯之空氣污染作了許些 "貢獻" 看起來 LA。總之,整體非常漂亮的電影---我希望我可以慶祝我的93歲生日的東西像這樣...:-)
你可能不知道朱利葉斯舒爾曼這個人,但看看這個照片,你可能馬上就能認出其著名的壯麗畫面---夜間版皮埃爾柯尼希(Pierre Koenig) 的房子。是不是讓人看了迴腸盪氣呢?
Once I was fortunately enough to attend Julius Shulman's "Visual Acoustics" at Northwest Film Forum in
Seattle and I am pretty impressed by this 93 yo's vision about modernism
architectures and unique sense of humor. The major thing I have to agree is the
post-modernism doesn't work for both of us. I just like to overall simplistic
and human style of modern architecture, anything overly decorated and added on
seems like redundant to me. What do you think?
The ironic thing in this film that I interpreted, and maybe the only regrets Shulman got, is he (as an
environmentalist) incidentally contributed the smoggy looks of LA. Anyhow, very
nice film overall---I wish I can celebrate my 93 birthday with something like
You may not know this guy, but you probably recognize this famous
stunning picture---the night version of Pierre Koenig's house. Isn't that