著名中文成語的英文翻譯 Famous Chinese Proverbs in English
到把英文翻譯先蓋起來 試試看自己可以翻對多少喔....:-) Cover up the English translation to see how much you can make this out....:-)
Clothes make the man.
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Ithaa 海底餐廳
哇 瞧瞧這個海底餐廳 Ithaa 像晚宴劇場般的潛水設置 位於印度洋下16英尺。從它的玻璃牆隧道可以看到令人驚嘆的海景和未被破壞的珊瑚環礁,一群群的鸚鵡魚和巨型黃貂魚 一次只能容納12位幸運客人。 六道菜的晚餐每人 $9600台幣....))) 想試看嗎....???
This theater-like restaurant called "Ithaa" , located 16 feet below the surface of the Indian Ocean. Its tunnel shape and glass walls reveal a breathtaking seascape of unspoiled coral atolls, schools of parrot fish, and giant stingrays only for 12 lucky diners, about $9600 TWD for a 6-course dinner per person. wow, wanna try it ???
askenglish 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
最近常被人問到: 如何鍛鍊胸肌? 乾脆就把它寫下來與大家分享。
經由增加胸部肌肉,除了可以在外觀更具吸引力。胸肌強度的增加會讓你在做很多其它活動更加容易。所以不僅只是健美先生小姐,而且是每個人都應該鍛鍊培養自己的胸部肌肉,因為除了外表好看外 它還是健康體質一個主要的部分。
因此,如何訓練你的胸部肌肉?槓鈴,啞鈴,滑輪 等都是經常用來強化和塑造胸部。(去 youtube 找找影片看)
如果你想加速培養實力,可以在任何這些練習中 使用較重的重量。
askenglish 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()
A Letter from Nature 來自自然的一封信
在我的一趟自行車之旅中,我看到了一個老樹與其旁邊的標誌說,這可能是鎮上最古老的樹....紅絲帶綁在樹幹上,有一個小寺廟就在身邊。我尋思它必須伴隨過世世代代代的孩子玩耍... ...多麼有趣!樹中間有一個神聖空間 我想必然是由自然力量如閃電或強風所造成。泉水 通過一個小管子 輕輕流入旁邊的小水塔 附近有一個古老的石屋,低沉而舒緩的天然新時代樂曲流洩在我的耳朵。現在一想起這一幕 它仍然給了我一些雞皮疙瘩。不久後,我聽到英國廣播公司的採訪大衛阿滕伯勒的“來自自然的一封信”拍攝和講故事,從樹梢在叢林,在那裡可能是一個人跡極為罕至的地方,以達到在整個自然界....漂亮完成。 ..我想有一些關於樹木觸動人心古今中外皆然的方式,真是太棒的....大衛!
On my bike trip today, I saw a old javanica tree with a sign saying that it's could the oldest tree in town.... A red ribbon was tied around the trunk, and there is a little temple on the side. I pondered it must have accompanied kids of generations to climb and play around...how fun! The hallow space in the midde must be created by natural forces like lightning or strong wind. The spring water was gently flowing into a small water tower via a small pipe right next to a aged stone house nearby, creating a low & soothing natural new-age like sounds by my ears. It gave me some goosebumps just by looking at it. Then I ran across BBC's interview with this guy David Attenborough's "A Letter from Nature" filming and telling stories from treetops in jungle canopy, where could be one of the most inaccessible places to reach in the entire natural world....beautifully done...I guess there is something about trees that touches everybdoy in an universal way even they don't move like us....great job David !
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